Friday, December 3, 2010

I'm the Fucking Princess: Portrait of a Sychophant.

Two thoughts come to mind when I read opinions from self absorbed people: one is the infamous novel The Slander, which I shall explain in a moment to those not versed in that wonderful looking glass into the frailties of egos we know as “satire.” The second idea in my mind is a quote from Confucious. “It is the clever man’s fate to outsmart himself.”

I read the comments from a trumpeting ego, veiled under the disguise of constructive criticism, and see it as an unhealthy body of jealousy. In The Slander, our lead male is supposedly superior to all the others. He sets himself above fault, a wise eye among fools, or so he thinks. He is so blinded by his own light that he comes on to the cook and as she shuns his kiss (and all house workers then were essentially whores too if attractive so rebuking a kiss is an insult he could not bear) he makes a ruckus, which attracts the eyes of a woman and man entering the kitchen area. It is his falsity of superiority that opens him up to his demise. He is so driven to put himself above others that he won’t stop talking about what others did or saw.

When truly an artist among peers, actions and mistakes can be taken at face value and used as ballast against the ego needed to create because your peer value you as one of them. But to the sychophant that hangs with the “in crowd” , and has the audacity to throw errant accusations at them, he loses his right to be coddled and accepted. His very action of forcing his voice to be accepted excludes him due to his deceit. The Slander fool thinks the only way to rise to the top is to put others down, And believes others must also do this to others. But he is so wrong it is painfully clear to others. He can only avoid being labeled a whorish man by not being a boorish man, but it is far too late for that.

The truth be told … no one questions his talent or virtue until he puts himself above his natural post. His lies took an otherwise accepted situation and put a spotlight on it, but that light has shifted to him. Alas he does himself in with his quotes and his doubts. Few will care about his topic, but all will remember he is not to be trusted, or admired. He will never shed this label as inept outsider,craving acceptance and admiration when it is foiled. Our clever man outsmarted himself. And is caught in his own web of slander.

So now he can only imagine the merciless truth we speak of him. It must haunt him in his solitude to want to be accepted and even revered, and know the opposite is going on. Oh yes, his name is being mentioned, but not in the way that he expected – not as the wise man shedding light for fans or the fucking princess. No, his name is mentioned with riducule. With disbelief that a woman or man can be this desperate that they think no one can see through their actions. What I love is the weakness that is obvious in both his words and in what is called his own inept porn. The fan base and numbers speak for themselves, and yes they are high due to the quality in the good videos that plenty of serious and creative people in the SL Porn Industry bring forth. I cannot wait for the next flop that is generated by this fool,our entire legion of creators and fans will have a Roast of the tedium he calls porn.

Bring it! We can barely wait. And don't rob yourself of the one true feeling and talent you have which is to feel humiliation. You know it well, as all those do that resort to this pathetic trickery. Don't rob us of the mockery you bring out of us so naturally you come to SL with a superiority complex that begs to be pissed on. The very fact you show your face shows the extent of your delusion. You're a joke. Not even a good one. Just a pathetic one.

sycophant [ˈsɪkəfənt]
a person who uses flattery to win favour from individuals wielding influence; toady
[from Latin sȳcophanta, from Greek sukophantēs, literally: the person showing a fig, apparently referring to the fig sign used in making an accusation, from sukon fig + phainein to show; sense probably developed from ``accuser'' to ``informer, flatterer'']

Noun 1.sycophant - a person who tries to please someone in order to gain a personal advantage ass-kisser, crawler, toady, lackey apple polisher, bootlicker, fawner, groveler, groveller, truckler

Kisses From The Spider Trans Woman :)

In honor to the Hater of a Delusional World I dedicate this Video to Her/Him/Wanna be?